Happy New Me

Happy New Me

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I wasn't ready then. I may still not be ready, but I'm more ready than I was.

So, Sarah (my good friend, neighbor, running/lake/v-ball/walking/puddle jumping/everything buddy) just made my butt get out of the house for a walk.  We hadn't walked more than half a mile when her seemingly innocent invitation for a quick stroll turned into something more like an INTERVENTION.

Ahaha.  She got me. 

No, it was good to catch up and discuss, well...  LIFE.  Sarah gave me a lot to think about and helped me work through a lot of issues.

Issues like: Why have I gained 12 lbs since I've been back from Chicago?  I haven't actually weighed myself, so it probably isn't THAT bad, but I've been eating everything (mostly tomato, turkey, mozzarella, and basil sandwhiches and "Supreme Bars"- YUM!) at odd hours.

But now, it's time to get on the road to recovery, and back on the health and fitness wagon!

Oh... "Miss Intervention" also helped me address other major issues like:  "Why did I give up facebook, but not twitter?"  and  "What should I do for my birthday?"

I'll be turning 25 in just over a month, and it seems to be the trend to set some sort of goals for oneself at any significant birthday.  So, I've decided to come up with a few and share them:

1.  First and foremost - get a job. 

Obviously.  At this point, almost any job will do.  As aforementioned (see blog #1), this is key on my path toward my present and long-term goals. 

The more I think about it, the more I realize that yesterday's interview did not go well at all.  Oh boy.

BUT today's interview at Homewatch Caregivers of Ann Arbor was a little bit better, and it seems like a good company to work with, with a strong mission and dedication to serving the community. It also seems like it would be pretty easy to get lots of hours and move around (and possibly up) within the corporation.

(I was invited back for a second interview tomorrow! YAY!)

2.  Get in the best physical shape of MY LIFE! 

This will be hard because I was in REALLY good shape in junior high and high school... Team sports and off-season conditioning, jump training and weight-lifting kind of make it hard not to be fit... BUT I will do it.

THIS means:  running at least 3 times a week (probably 4+ mile runs), lifting weights, YOGA (I'm turning into a yogini) and eating right.  THAT means: cutting out sweets, fatty foods, soda, alcohol, some of my carb intake, and eating more veggies and lean, protein-rich foods.

Helllllo muscles!

3.  Become a more active member in my community.

Since I have decided to settle down in Ann Arbor for now, I will be getting involved in local community groups and service projects.  If you know of something going on, or need help putting an event together, PLEASE let me know!

4.  Work on meeting Mr. Right (or being set up with him, since some of my friends reeeallly love playing matchmaker).

Now, I know people say that you shouldn't look for love, but can't I look for friends?  Aaaand if one of those friends happens to be a man, and we happen to hit it off, and we happen to have great chemistry, and happen to fall in love... would that be a problem?

I don't really think so...

5.  Be more patient.

This is something that I've already been working on (well, actually I've been working on all of these goals, just haven't put them in writing).  I could stand to be more patient and understanding with everyone in my life.  And, so I will try to be.

6.  Pray more.

Aaaannnd that's all i've got for meow.

I'm sure I'll come up with more, and I'll let you know when I do.

But for now, that's going to have to suffice.  I have to do some deep cleaning in my house because we have a showing tomorrow.  I really hope it sells soon!

Take care and best wishes! (so formal, I know ;-)


Susie Q


  1. Yay for Sarah! And yay for you putting some goals in writing! Great status update. :)

  2. haha! thanks, Sister :) (you inspired me)
